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Interview with Gina
« on: May 3rd, 2002, 7:42am »
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Survival of the Fittest  
An exclusive Ocala Style feature interview with Gainesville resident and Survivor contestant Gina Crews
By Dean Blinkhorn
[email protected]
When Moby Dick author Herman Melville landed on the remote island of Nuku Hiva in 1842, he witnessed a flawed Pacific paradise of tropical mysteries, lush landscapes, and cannibalistic natives. He recorded the events of this tiny island in Typee, his best-selling novel of the time. More than 160 years later, the contestants for the top-rated Survivor series on CBS would land on the very beaches Melville himself walked. Included in this group was Gina Crews, a nature center guide and former high school teacher from Gainesville, Florida.
After a whirlwind week of media events following her dismissal from the show, I caught up with Gina for this exclusive feature interview for Ocala Style. Despite not winning the $1 million dollar top prize, the down-to-earth 29-year-old graduate of the University of Florida answered each of the questions directly and honestly, much in the same way she approached Survivor: Marquesas.
As we sat in the bleachers at Ben Hill Griffin Stadium, she was poised, relaxed, and still very tanned from the 39-day taping as a member of the Maraamu tribe.
So how did a Gainesville girl get on Survivor?
[Laughs.] I have no idea. I asked the producers after I got on the show and they said they know within the first 15 seconds of watching the audition video. I tried three times before, without even as much as a call back, and then I got in on the fourth.
Did you do a different audition tape each time?
Yeah, the first one I just sat down and talked about myself, but I told pretty much the same information. The next one I tried to be funny. Since it was going to be in Africa, I made this big, 10-foot snake and I had this stuffed lion and I jumped on it and said, "I’m not afraid of anything!" Then I plunged into the water trying to wrestle the fake snake and I’ve got this mud all over my face. It was hilarious. This year, I just put on my Watermelon Queen crown [Gina was the National Watermelon Queen in 1997] and just started talking.
Was it your idea to go on Survivor?
When I first saw it I thought, This is the coolest show, and I just knew it was something I wanted to do. I just knew it would be an awesome adventure if I got the opportunity.
They must do background checks.
Before they send you to Los Angeles, you have to sign something giving them the right to look at your credit, everything. You pretty much give them your life once you get to Los Angeles.
Do you think they already knew Rob was a snake? [Laughs.]
They do. They cast people in certain roles. I was the All-American type. Sarah was the sexy girl. They’re casting these different personalities and if you fit one of those I think it makes it easier for you to get on the show. All I wanted was to make the first interview -- I was never expecting to be told that I actually made the show.
Now, you’re not allowed to tell your friends and family about the outcome of the show. But they knew you were going, right?
Just my family. I had been telling my friends for months about doing an Outward Bound program that started around the same time as the Survivor taping. I was talking about this long before I applied to the show, so when I was gone that’s what everybody else thought I was doing. The only problem was when my friends started asking questions afterward about where the program took me.
You didn’t send fake postcards that were all postmarked "Marquesas" did you?
[Laughs.] No, no, no, not at all. Once I left we left for LA they told us to make our final calls, that it would be the last time we would talk to them until December 21.
When did you actually leave?
November 7th.
The CBS Survivor website is really cool -- it has a lot of information on the Marquesas, including some interesting Survival Tips (see sidebar). How much of that did they prepare you for before you went over there?
They didn’t even tell us where we were going. The only thing [Executive Producer] Mark Burnett said when I was selected was, "Be prepared for a tropical climate." But on the internet there are a lot of Survivor sites and many of them were leaking the location, saying it was going to be the Marquesas. Then, three weeks before I was to leave, CBS sent a book list that included Herman Melville’s Typee. In the book, he lands in the Marquesas, so I thought that’s where we’d be going. Mark wanted us to get into that setting because the book explains the island and its customs.
And the whole part about cannibalism didn’t throw you off?
Not at all! [She laughs.] I knew that couldn’t do that to us.
Did the other Survivor contestants read the book?
I think about half of us did. I read the whole thing and thought it was great!
Does strategy start immediately? Even when you’re on the boat headed to the island?
It started when we were in LA for the first interview. People are sizing you up right away. Sarah and Rob saw each other at the hotel and communicated, not talking, but they had already formed an alliance. That’s when the game actually started.
It seems like there’s more strategy on this episode.
The first thing Mark told us was not to expect anything. He said, "Don’t expect there to be a merge, or two teams, or anything because I know how to be play this game better than any of you." So when we heard that, I think a lot the other members thought, Why bother making a team now? I know that’s what hurt my team. Because they were always thinking of another angle.
On many of the Survivor fan sites, you and Hunter were predicted to go far into the game, certainly past the merging of the two tribes. But on the last two installments there has been an early pattern: a hard-working tribe and a lazy one.
Sure. When I first saw my tribe I thought we were going to kick their butt. We had the young, strong people but when we started paddling the boat in, I realized we had some real idiots on my team.
Like who?
Well, first of all Sean was scared to death of the water, but then I realized that Hunter knew so much more than the others did. From Day 1 Rob and Sean had a problem with that, and it wasn’t so much a leadership issue, it was just Hunter’s knowledge.
Hunter, of course, was voted off before you. He seemed especially vulnerable because he was forced into a leadership role early on.
It was a stupid move, though, because we were still a team at that point. Is it worth it to vote someone off to feel safe when you’re probably going to lose all the tribal challenges?
It’s like they were playing an individual game from the very beginning.
That’s the way it was. For us it was like a team of three, with the other five just doing their own thing. The game actually begins when you have to go to tribal council and vote somebody off. The other tribe didn’t have to go until Day 15.
They were much more of a team -- at first. But as soon as they had to go, the bickering started for them, too.
You’re right.
What’s a typical day like in the Marquesas?
As soon as the sun was up, we were up. It was probably around 4:30 or 5:00am, but I don’t know for sure since none of us had a watch. We usually went to bed about an hour after sunset since there wasn’t really anything to do except sit by the fire.
Watching the show, it seemed like you and Hunter were the early risers; the others were content to sleep in and let you do the work.
We knew that there would be a time when we could kick back, but that was after building a shelter, starting a fire, and gathering some food. We thought that we could work hard the first six or eight days, and then we could get lots of rest. The others didn’t seem to realize that.
How intrusive are the cameras?
As soon as we got on the boat, we got used to them because they’re right in your face. On the island, the cameras only followed us around when you went off with another person from the tribe. Then, they were right there in case something interesting was being said. If Hunter and I were going off to get water by ourselves, they would send somebody with us, especially when it was obvious that we were on our own within the tribe.
Yeah, it seems that if you had been able to win the last team immunity challenge, you would have probably survived well past the merge. Do you think that you might have been voted off just one week too early?
Sure, I think about that. I really believe that if they had merged one week earlier I would have made it all the way to the final four. I wanted to compete in the individual immunities more than anything else, and I knew I would have stepped up to the challenge. I do think about how close I was to the million dollars, but I was there for the experience and the adventure, so I was happy.
When you’re watching the show now and you hear some of Rob’s comments about the other members, what do you think? He didn’t exactly hold back.
At the time we didn’t know he was making all those rude comments about John and Robert. But we knew that Rob was up to something -- you’d have to be stupid to think anything else.
When Rob left the show he said, "I was trying to be funny and joke around. I hope we can all be friends." How can that be possible?
But you’re aware when you’re being interviewed on the show that they can use any part of what you say, right?
Sure, like in the first episode when I said I was already in love with Hunter. They asked me what I thought about each of my tribemates, so I just went down the line: Rob, Sean, Sarah, and when they got to Patricia, I said, "I love her; she’s the best." Next was Hunter and I just said the same thing. But I knew when I said it that they were going to use it on the show.
So when they talked to you, you were just trying to be yourself. For others, like Rob, they were providing sound bites.
He wanted to be funny, and he made the show. People enjoyed watching him -- he made a jerk of himself -- but it made for good TV. Of course, he knew it.
Well, there’s still Sean…
Yeah, that’s right. [Laughs.]
What was your strategy?
I wanted to be real, and sometimes the questions got really deep, especially at tribal council. It got to the point where people weren’t being honest with themselves. This was reality TV, and I’m me, so I was just going to play me.
Was that your plan all along?
No. When I left, I told my mom, "I’m going to lie. I’m going to play this stupid, country girl." But I never had the opportunity to do that because some had to step up and actually do the work. I wasn’t going to show my strengths -- that was my gameplan -- but when I got out there, somebody had to something or we were all going to starve.
What was Hunter’s strategy?
The same -- that’s why we bonded right away. We were both just on a great adventure. We still talk every day.
You know there’s a lot of romantic speculation about you two…
Just friends. Just friends. [Laughs.]
Are the Survivor contestants making plans to see each other now that the show is almost over?
I know everybody’s seen at least two or three people outside the game already. I plan to see Paschal and Kathy in a couple of weeks.
What about Peter? He was the first to leave, so the viewers don’t really know him at all.
He freaked out on us. Sarah would have been the first voted off, but Peter woke up on the day of the tribal council telling everyone a different story. Of course Rob has a big mouth so he immediately went to Hunter and told him what Peter said. That’s why we voted him off, because he was creating so much negativity so early in the game. I really believe Sarah would have been the first to go if he hadn’t done that.
In hindsight, do you think things would have been better for you if Sarah had been voted off right away?
Rob probably would have worked harder. With Sarah gone, Rob would have been a different person. But it probably wouldn’t have changed the outcome; we might have won a few more challenges, though. I just got stuck on the wrong team. [Laughs.]
What’s it like watching the show now, as it unfolds, with friends and family?
I enjoy it, but I don’t let them talk while it’s on. I never said a word about the outcome; my own family didn’t know the night I was going to be voted off.
Does CBS keep you there after your last tribal council?
Yeah, we all come home together.
But you didn’t say a word.
No, because I wanted them to experience it just as I had. When we lost, I wanted to them to think, What’s going to happen at tribal council?
Was it hard to keep it secret for so long?
No, it was fun. Everyone respected the fact that I couldn’t say anything, that I had signed a contract.
Gainesville’s a pretty small town. Even this morning when we were doing the photo shoot, people recognized you as Gina, the Survivor contestant. Is that pretty typical?
It’s been nice. Nobody’s been really freaky or anything. I do get some really nice mail, especially kids telling me that I was their favorite Survivor. Some want a signed picture or an autograph -- it’s been really sweet. But I got noticed more when I went to Sarasota with some friends. I was bombarded in every single store with people wanting autographs and pictures. It was strange because I was so out of my element. But I love talking to people about Survivor; I can share the experience.
Of course you know a fan set up as a "tribute" to you. Is that pretty weird?
Yeah, but it makes me feel really good that somebody would do that. I’m sure I’ll get in touch with him soon to say thanks.
I noticed that there were a lot of kids on your recent on-line CBS chat. Your perspective on the show is a little different than, say Rob’s -- do you feel like you’re more of a role model in that situation?
It makes me feel good. I taught high school, so I wanted to be role model then, so that was with me when I was on the show. I knew at some point in the game I might have to lie -- like playing poker -- but I never wanted to be mean about it. I would rather lose the million dollars than to have everyone dislike me.
You’ve just come off a pretty intense media blitz this last week: CBS This Morning, The Howard Stern Show, The Rosie O’Donnell Show, Entertainment Tonight. Which one was the easiest show to do?
Rosie. As soon as I sat down, she hugged me and said, "You were my favorite." She was so nice and it was so comfortable.
On all of the shows, you were very candid and honest.
I was always wondering what they were going to ask, especially about Sean and Rob, but I knew I had to be brutally honest. In the game, I hated Sean and Rob; I felt they were stupid in the way they played it.
What kind of endorsement deals are you getting?
I was asked to be a spokesperson for Planet Rascals, a company that makes stuffed toys based on real-life animals. When somebody buys one, they "adopt" the actual animal, with part of the proceeds going back to the zoo and conservation funds. I’m so excited about it! I also have a promotional appearance scheduled for Sierra Mist [a soft drink company that also sponsors Survivor: Marquesas] in Cleveland. I’m pretty busy right up until the time I have to leave for the final episode.
Were you paid by CBS while you’re away on the show?
Yes, but we don’t know how much yet. The longer you stay, the more you get.
I know you can’t tell us, but do you know who won?
We know who the final two are because we’re all very close. But nobody knows who won -- we have our ideas -- but the show has proved to expect the unexpected. So keep watching because it gets even better -- I can guarantee that.
Dean Blinkhorn is the Editor of Ocala Style.
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ForumsNet Member

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« Reply #10 on: Oct 19th, 2017, 9:05pm »
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The Foamposite One received a gold finish in 2015, and this year, the Nike Air Foamposite Pro will feature the luxurious colorway as part of its holiday 2017 lineup. The basketball sneaker simply features the metallic gold hue on its foam shell upper that Adidas Harden Vol 1  also includes carbon fiber debossed throughout for a more distinctive look. Black accents are seen on the eyelets, tongue, lining, laces and outsole, while a large white swoosh is also applied on the bottom, and more are located on the toe as well James Harden Shoes  as on the heel to complete the style altogether.
The Nike LeBron 15 won’t be making its debut until the latter part of this month, but thanks to the good folks over at Nike we were able to secure a pair a few Kyrie Shoes  weeks early in advance (insert praying emoji hands here).LeBron’s 15th signature shoe has a look that’s unlike anything we’ve ever seen from the signature line. To be quite honest, I think that’s the main reason why this model has intrigued me (and many Kobe AD  others) so much. Although past LeBron models have switched their style over time, many feel like that most recent ones have all had a look that fit into the same type of category. Not this one.For the first time ever, a Nike LeBron Lebron 14 Elite  signature shoe utilizes a woven upper dubbed Flyknit Battle. What’s Flyknit Battle? Think of a thicker and even more durable version of Flyknit that provides additional structure and support. Playing around with them a bit, I was really feeling the nice stretch and Kobe Bryant Shoes  locked-in fit the woven upper provided. Another new look worth mentioning is the decision to not have Swoosh branding on neither the medial or lateral side of the shoe. LeBrons are notorious for using large Nike Swoosh branding on its side panels. The Kd 6  Nike LeBron 15 opts for a more subtle and minimal design as the only Swoosh branding is noted rear portion of the heel. Another feature that I appreciated on the shoe is the cut/shape of the tongue and collar. I have a love-hate Kobe 11  relationship with sneakers with sock-collars (no detached tongue). They look dope on-feet, but some models come with collars that are far too tight. The LeBron 15’s ankle collar has some nice stretch to it which means that most of us won’t have too Lebron 14  hard of a time putting the shoe on, unless you have super-wide feet, of course. The shoe also comes with a new sole that combines Max Air and Zoom Air units to give you protection, responsiveness and flexibility all wrapped up into one.I Kevin Durant Shoes  love that Nike decided to take a completely different route with the Nike LeBron signature line. Styles are consistently changing, and the LeBron 15 fits right in with that’s trending in these modern times. The verdict is still out whether these will look kyrie irving shoes  good off the court, but with the right ‘fit, I’m pretty sure you anyone can pull these off.Take a look at Kicks on Fire’s exclusive images of the Nike LeBron 15 Ashes up top to help you with your purchasing decision. If you’ve Kobe A.D. NXT  already decided that you’re all in, look for the Nike LeBron 15 Ashes to release on October 28th at select Nike retailers for $185.
Back in June we let you know that a new colorway of the Nike Air Foamposite One PRM would Kyrie 3 Shoes  be dropping during next year’s NBA All-Star weekend. Although no pictures of the shoe were provided (aside from this mock-up), we did know that the shoe would be called the Nike Air Foamposite One PRM Abalone. Today, we finally get a first look Lebron 13  at the shoe.The Nike Air Foamposite One PRM Abalone comes with a upper inspired by an abalone sea snail’s shell. This is done by giving the shoe a multicolor iridescent upper that takes care of the entire Foam shell. Accompanying the iridescent upper Adidas Crazylight Boost 2.5  is the Black hits noted on the laces, eyestay, sock liner and carbon fiber midfoot shank. Teal accents on the Penny logo and Nike Swoosh as well as the icy translucent outsole further add to the aesthetics of the shoe. No official release KD 9 Elite  date yet, but expect to see the Nike Air Foamposite One PRM Abalone during the month of February for the retail price of $250. Thoughts? Does this colorway have potential or is it doing too much?
Paul George is an Oklahoma City Thunder. LeBron Soldier 10  As a Pacers fan, this may take a while to get used to saying, let along seeing. That being said, expect Paul George to bust out a hand of fresh new Oklahoma City Thunder colorways of the Nike PG 1 all season long. Nike Kyrie 3  He recently took to his IG to show us a handful of new colorway we can expect to see him wear throughout the season. Yes, a Nike PG 2 is definitely in the works, but don’t expect that model to make its debut Kobe Shoes  until that second half of the season. Take a look at the Nike PG 1 colorways above and let us know if you’re feeling Thunder-themed color schemes on Paul George’s signature model.
The Nike KD Trey 5 V gets a Warriors theme for Nike Kobe AD  its next colorway as the NBA season is beginning soon. The sneaker is designed for lasting comfort on the court and features low-profile cushioning and flex grooves provide a supportive, natural feel during play. A durable rubber outsole flex grooves for durability complete Lebron 14 Low  the design altogether.Retailing for a price of $90, look for the Nike KD Trey 5 V Warriors at select Jordan Brand stores and online today. Click and bookmark our Air Jordan 12 Dark Grey hub page now for the shoe’s latest release info Harden Shoes  and up-to-the-minute updates and images. Always keep it locked to KicksOnFire for the latest in sneaker news and release dates.
There’s a new Nike LeBron Zoom Soldier 11 set to drop next week as today we bring you official imagery of the upcoming Kobe AD Shoes  Steel colorway.This LeBron Zoom Soldier 11 features black on the majority of the mesh upper with blue/purple hitting the ankle collar, the four lock-down straps on the upper, and the LJ logo on the outsole. Finishing details include white Swooshes on the upper Kyrie 1  strap and midsole, red LJ branding on the heel, and a grey midsole/outsole.Look for the Nike LeBron Zoom Soldier 11 Steel to release on October 2nd 2017 for $140.
The Nike Air Foamposite One PRM Abalone comes with a upper inspired by an Harden Vol 1  abalone sea snail’s shell. This is done by giving the shoe a multicolor iridescent upper that takes care of the entire Foam shell. Accompanying the iridescent upper is the Black hits noted on the laces, eyestay, sock liner and carbon fiber midfoot shank. Kyrie 2  Teal accents on the Penny logo and Nike Swoosh as well as the icy translucent outsole further add to the aesthetics of the shoe. Look for the shoe to drop during next year’s NBA All-Star weekend (February)
The Nike PG 1 Lebron Shoes  Baseline aka Superstition honors Paul George’s courageous approach to the game of basketball and his ability to ignore and overcome unfounded fears. Dressed in a colorway of wolf grey and cool grey, the sneaker is made of suede with lasered detailing across. OKC details are seen on the lateral forefoot with “OKC PG13” lettering, while finishing off the design are black swoosh logos and a gum rubber outsole.Retailing Kyrie 3 BHM  for a price tag of $110, look for the Nike PG 1 Baseline (Superstition) at select Nike stores and online on September 29th. Click and bookmark our Air Jordan 12 Dark Grey hub page now for the shoe’s latest release info and up-to-the-minute Kd 5  updates and images. Always keep it locked to KicksOnFire for the latest in sneaker news and release dates.
If you thought that the Nike Air More Uptempo was done for the year then think again because Scottie Pippen’s signature shoe will still be Lebron Soldier 9  releasing in a few different colorways before we close out 2017.One of those pairs that drops next month will be the Wheat colorway we see above which has become a staple during the Fall season. Different brands left and right have been known Kobe 1  to give some of their most popular silhouettes the Wheat treatment during the Fall and the Air More Uptempo is a perfect candidate. The shoe takes on a lifestyle look as the majority of the upper is done in a Flax nubuck with Kyrie 3  perforations on the side panels. Tonal detailing is then present on the “AIR” branding, tongue, laces, and inner liner. Finishing details include a white midsole and gum rubber outsole.Look for the Nike Air More Uptempo Wheat to make its way to retailers on James Harden Adidas Shoes  October 14, 2017 for $185.
The Kith x Nike Pippen collaboration features four pairs sneakers with two colorways of the Air Maestro 2 High and two pairs of the Kith x Nike Air Pippen 1. On the spotlight is the “Black Pony” edition KD Shoes  as the shoe gets a luxe makeup of black pony hair all over the upper. Its all-black look is continued to the rubber sole and the only contrast is bright red seen on the lace tips and visible air bubble to complete the Lebron James Shoes  look.Look for the Kith x Nike Air Pippen 1 Black Pony at select Nike stores and online soon. Click and bookmark our Air Jordan 12 Dark Grey hub page now for the shoe’s latest release info and up-to-the-minute updates and images. Always keep KD 9  it locked to KicksOnFire for the latest in sneaker news and release dates.
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