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   Survivor All-Stars 2
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   Author  Topic: Survivor All-Stars 2  (Read 7579 times)


Survivor All-Stars 2
« on: Jul 21st, 2005, 10:19am »

Welcome to Survivor All-Stars 2, in Sri Lanka, the most castaways in the history of Survivor, 30! here they are:
Red = Lopevi    Orange = Tagi      Blue = Ulong   Purple = Soliantu    black = no tribe
strikethrough = eliminated      * = jury    
first color = first tribe        second color = second tribe   third color = third tribe
« Last Edit: Feb 25th, 2006, 9:19am by Survivor1989 » IP Logged
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Re: Survivor All-Stars 2
« Reply #1 on: Jul 24th, 2005, 4:13pm »

29: Jeanne
29: Tanya
29: Osten
28: Kel
27: Brady
26: Gabe
25: Joel
24: Dirk
23: Kimmi
21: Shawn
21: Robb
18: John
18: Kim
18: Mia
16: Angie
16: Nicole
12: Daniel
12: Silas
12: Stephanie
12: Stacey
11: Michael
10: Gina
9: Willard
« Last Edit: Feb 25th, 2006, 9:20am by Survivor1989 » IP Logged
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Re: Survivor All-Stars 2
« Reply #2 on: Jul 24th, 2005, 4:14pm »

Episode 1
Eliminated in challenge
1 votes      by
7 votes *    by
5 votes      by
Episode 2
2 votes      by
6 votes      by
6 votes      by
5 votes      by
7 votes *    by
Episode 3
Episode 4
1 votes      by  
4 votes      by
4 votes      by
4 votes      by
2 votes      by
4 votes      by  
4 votes      by
Rock picking
Episode 5
2 votes      by
8 votes *    by
Tagi (1)
4 votes      by
8 votes *    by
Tagi (2)
1 votes      by
10votes*    by
Episode 6
4 votes      by
5 votes *    by
fire challenge (1st to last)
* = back in
Episode 7
1 votes      by
6 votes *    by
1 votes      by
2 votes      by
4 votes *    by
Episode 8
2 votes      by
5 votes *    by
2 votes      by
4 votes *    by
6 votes *    by  
Episode 9
2 votes      by
3 votes *    by
2 votes      by
4 votes *    by
Episode 10
Eliminated in challenge
1 votes      by
4 votes      by
5 votes *    by
Episode 11
5 votes      by
5 votes      by
4 votes      by
4 votes *    by
Episode 12
8 votes *    by
1 votes      by
* = voted out
« Last Edit: Feb 25th, 2006, 9:26am by Survivor1989 » IP Logged
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Re: Survivor All-Stars 2
« Reply #3 on: Jul 24th, 2005, 4:16pm »

Probst: This second edition of All-Stars we’ve decided to pump things up. The game will start with 30 castaways and will be full of new and some old twists. They know they will have to compete in a challenge right off the bat to get into a tribe, but what they don’t know is that some will be eliminated, as well as any of the others in the game. They each will be blindfolded and put into a soundproof booth with a speaker. Each will have a question to answer about one of the other castaways. They will have a button to signal me when they’re done, and if right they’re done. Four people will be eliminated and one of them will be on the jury.
In Ashlee’s booth.
Probst: Ready, go.
Ashlee: This looks easy.
24 people finish. Brook, Joel, Kim, Shawn, Nicole, Maralyn, Silas, Stephanie, Brady, Mitchell, John, and Gina go onto Tagi, while Angie, Willard, Stacey, Daniel, Gabe, Mike, Dirk, Kimmi, Ghandia, Lisa, Mia, and Kel go on Lopevi. Ashlee, Osten, Robb, Dolly, Tanya, and Jeanne remain. In Robb’s booth.
Robb: Finally, I got this.
He presses his button.
Probst: Come on out, you are on Tagi.
In Osten’s booth.
Osten: I think this is right.
He presses his button.
Probst: I’m sorry that’s incorrect.
Dolly presses here button half a second before Ashlee. In  Dolly’s booth.
Probst: Come on out, you are on Lopevi.
In Ashlee’s booth.
Probst: Come on out. I’m sorry to say your eliminated, but you are the first member of the jury.  
15 minutes go by. Osten finishes, than Tanya, and finally Jeanne.
Probst: I’m sorry to tell you, but the three of you are eliminated and not on the jury. (To tribes) You will live on the same beach, so rest up.
Ashlee: At least I’m able to choose who wins this game.
Osten: That sucked, I had it. Tagi should vote Nicole off the first chance they get, she’ll turn at any time.
Tanya: I’m glad I was at least considered. I’m just upset I didn’t make it further than before.
Jeanne: This can’t be happening, I’m perfect at this game and everyone knows it!
« Last Edit: Aug 17th, 2005, 7:10pm by Survivor1989 » IP Logged
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Re: Survivor All-Stars 2
« Reply #4 on: Jul 26th, 2005, 2:43pm »

Aww man I liked Ashlee by now I dont like this story! Roll Eyes
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Re: Survivor All-Stars 2
« Reply #5 on: Jul 28th, 2005, 6:48am »

Sorry, I randomly did everything. All the way to the end. I already know who wins.
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Re: Survivor All-Stars 2
« Reply #6 on: Jul 28th, 2005, 6:57am »

At camp.
Kel: Wow, this is awesome. We all get a second chance. If you noticed, all of us didn’t make the top 10 in our season.
Silas (to Gina): I’m kinda scared. It seems like people will start being allies with their former competitors. The thing is, I don’t have any, I’m the only one from Africa.
Gina: Don’t worry. It’ll be me and you to the end. After the merge I’ll try and get Gabe to come and be with us.
Stephanie and Brook go to get water.
Brook: You’re hot. Maybe we could be the Rob and Amber of this season.
Stephanie: Excuse me. Well, alright.
Back at camp.
Mike: We need to get this camp done. Our shelter will have to sleep 26, so we better get going.
Brady: I agree
Lisa, Mia, and Dolly walk off to get treemail.
Mia: Even though I’m still mad you voted me out Lisa, I think the three of us should he our young women’s alliance from Vanuatu alive.
Dolly: That’s a good idea.
They come back.
Lisa: Treemail!
Maralyn: This sounds like something to do with Chinese checkers. That’s good because I’m great at that game.
Probst: It looks like some of you are still surprised with the 4 person elimination game.
Kim: Ya, Ashlee is a smart girl.
Probst: Ok, we’re going to play a game of Chinese checkers. Three people from each tribe will be the players, while the other ten will be the pieces. Lopevi will be wearing red and Tagi will be wearing orange. Players will agree on a move. Lopevi, who are your players?
Lopevi: Willard, Dolly, and Kel.
Probst: Tagi?
Tagi: Maralyn, Stephanie, and Brook.
Probst: Lopevi gets first move.
Kel: Mia, go to the left of Daniel.
1 hour pass.
Probst: Tagi has 7 in the opposite side, while Lopevi only has 4. Lopevi’s move.
Dolly: There’s a triple jump. Ghandia, go over Brady, than Gabe, and then Angie.
30 minutes pass.
Probst: Tagi needs to fill only 1 spot, while Lopevi needs 2. Tagi’s move.
Maralyn: Nicole step into our spot and we win.
Probst: Tagi wins immunity. Lopevi, Tribal Council tonight.
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  realityshow_fan14   sillyman13
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Re: Survivor All-Stars 2
« Reply #7 on: Jul 30th, 2005, 12:33pm »

its ok! I love Ashlee I would of liked to seee her go further
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Re: Survivor All-Stars 2
« Reply #8 on: Jul 31st, 2005, 8:30am »

At camp. All the women of Lopevi, except Ghandia, walk to get water.
Stacey: If you noticed there are 7 women on this tribe, so it’d be a good idea to vote off the men 1 by 1.
Angie: Earlier I thought I saw Kel...

Don’t say you saw him with beef jerky, we don’t need another Jerri.
Angie: I thought I saw him making an agreement with Brady, Robb, Nicole, and Joel. It could be that he’d turn on us at the merge.  
Lisa: We all agree to vote against Kel.
Later. Mia approaches Ghandia.
Mia: Me and the rest of the women want you to join our alliance to vote against Kel.
Ghandia: Sorry, I’m with someone else.
Earlier. Ghandia approached Willard.
Ghandia: Me and you to the end, ok?
Willard: Sure.
Over by the shelter the men of Lopevi, except Willard, decide who they want to vote out. Stephanie, Brook, Gina, and Silas listen in.
Daniel: Willard ahs done nothing so far.
Gabe: So it’s him?
Daniel: Yes
Kel: I’ll try and get some of the women.
Gina goes over to Willard and Ghandia.
Gina: I just overheard the guys, and they say they’re voting out Willard.
Silas comes over.
Willard: Whose idea was it?
Silas: Daniel brought it up.
Ghandia: So he’s gone.
Stephanie and Brook come over
Stephanie: What’s going on?
Silas: We told them what was said.
Brook: Try and get others to vote him out.
Willard and Ghandia go to find the other women of Lopevi.
Brady: I overheard your conversation. Is that tribe going to be like Maraamu or what?
Gina: Hey, I take offense to that.
At Tribal Council
Probst: Take your torch and light it. Here’s Ashlee, the first member of the jury. Since the tribes are living on the same beach have alliances come up between members of opposite tribes?
Angie: I saw Kel with Joel, Nicole, Brady, and Robb. It could have been for an alliance.
Kel: No it wasn’t.
Probst: Angie, you’re up first.
Angie walks up to vote.
Angie: You’re a liar and will turn at anytime. Bye Kel.
Kimmi, Ghandia, Lisa, Mia, and Kel vote. Gabe walks up to vote.
Gabe: Willard, this wouldn’t be for you if you did more work.
Mike, Dolly, Willard, Stacey, Daniel, and Dirk vote.
Probst: I’ll tally the votes. Kel - Kel - Daniel - Willard - Willard - Willard - Kel - Kel - Willard - Kel - Willard - Kel - Kel. Kel, bring me your torch. The tribe has spoken. You are now the second jury member.
Kel: Angie went out of her way to vote me out. If she’s in the final 2 she will not receive my vote.
« Last Edit: Aug 17th, 2005, 7:09pm by Survivor1989 » IP Logged
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Re: Survivor All-Stars 2
« Reply #9 on: Aug 1st, 2005, 8:21pm »

Joel: I wonder who was voted out?
Lopevi returns. Gina walks over to Willard and Ghandia.
Gina: I thought you were going to vote out Daniel, not Kel.

I did, but Ghandia didn’t.
Ghandia: What Angie said she saw I had overheard his conversation and he WAS going to turn.
The next day. Silas, Gina, Stephanie, and Brook walk off.
Stephanie: I say us to the final four.
Silas: That’s a good idea.
In the shelter. Brady and Mia seem to be getting close. Back by the fire.

Look over at the shelter, Brady is cuddling up with Mia.
Stephanie: I say we expose him, he looks like he’s trying not to be obvious.
Brook: No, if we lose immunity we will, if we win we keep it under wraps because we don’t need a lot of tension in our tribe.
Dirk: Treemail, sounds like a reward.
Probst: The winner of this challenge will be able to make a big choice. One member of each tribe will guide their tribesmates through a maze, who will be blindfolded and tied together. First tribe out wins reward. Tagi, since you have one extra member who’s sitting out?
Mitch: I am.
Probst: Lopevi, who’s your guider?
Lopevi: Angie.
Probst: And Tagi?
Tagi: Nicole.
Probst: Tribes ready, go.
20 minutes pass.
Probst: Tagi has a huge lead over Lopevi. Look at their communication.
Nicole (yelling): John, keep walking forward and you’ll hit a wall. When there turn right.
In the maze.
John: You heard the lady. Here’s the wal, we’re turning right.
20 more minutes pass.
Probst: Lopevi’s closing in, but it’s too late. Tagi wins reward.  Ok here’s your choices, you can either move to a different beach or make a member of Lopevi a member of Tagi.
In a Tagi huddle.
Kim: I say we take Angie. She’s a strong woman, and probably one of the strongest on her tribe.

I think we should take Mike.
10 minutes pass.
Probst: I need an answer.
Shawn: We’ve decided to take Angie and make her one of us.
Probst: Angie, give me your buff. You are now a member of Tagi.
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Re: Survivor All-Stars 2
« Reply #10 on: Aug 5th, 2005, 9:14am »

on Jul 28th, 2005, 6:57am, David wrote:
At camp.
Brook: You’re hot. Maybe we could be the Rob and Amber of this season.
Stephanie: Excuse me. Well, alright.

:laff: :laff: :laff:
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Hi. Smiley
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Re: Survivor All-Stars 2
« Reply #11 on: Aug 5th, 2005, 2:32pm »

you find that hilarious?
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Re: Survivor All-Stars 2
« Reply #12 on: Aug 6th, 2005, 9:52am »

At Camp. Gina, Silas, Stephanie, and Brook take Angie aside.
Brook: We’d like you to be one of our allies.
Angie: Why?
Silas: It’d be us to the final five.
Angie: Ok. If we lose who will we vote out?
Gina: Brady, he seems to be getting a little to close to Mia.
Angie: I saw that too.
Robb: What are you guys talking about?
Stephanie: Voting out Brady if we lose. He’s getting too close with Mia.
He goes over to Brady, Joel, Nicole, and Mia.
Robb: Angie, Stephanie, Brook, Gina, and Silas are talking about voting you out Brady.
Brady: We’ll show them.
Dirk goes over to the other guys of Lopevi, except Willard.
Dirk: We need to find some way to get our numbers back, with the losses of Kel and Angie.
Daniel: I think we should turn the women against Willard, I think he was the one who voted for me.
Dolly: Treemail.
Nicole: Sounds like we’re eating.
Probst: You will be eating today. We have a wheel you will spin with foods from previous seasons. They are, butok (Borneo), cow’s blood (Africa), fafaru (Marquesas), balut (Palau), tarantula (Thailand), and Kimmi’s favorite, the cow brain (Australia).
Kimmi: Funny Jeff.
Probst: Tagi, two are sitting out. Who?
Gina: Nicole and Stephanie.
Probst: Gina and Ghandia, you’re up first.
He spins the wheel.
Probst: Gina gets fafaru and Ghandia gets cow brain. Ready, go...You both got it down, so you both get a point.
Eight rounds finish.
Probst: Kim and Dolly, you’re up. Still tied, 9 to 9. Kim  gets cow’s blood and Dolly gets butok.
5 minutes pass.
Kim: Almost  :gag: done  :gag:.
Probst: Another point for each tribe. Brady vs Lisa. They both get balut. Lisa gets it down, but Brady throws up :barf:. Lopevi wins immunity. Tagi, tribal council tonight.  
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Yankees Fan


Re: Survivor All-Stars 2
« Reply #13 on: Aug 13th, 2005, 3:18pm »

At Camp. Gina and Kim are talking.
Kim: I can’t believe Brady couldn’t get it down. I’m stronger than him.
Gina: So he’s gone. Plus he’s getting close with Mia, so we NEED him gone.
Silas approaches Maralyn, who’s talking with Shawn.  
Silas: We need to rid this tribe of Brady. If we have eight he’s gone. Think about it.
Maralyn: Ok.
Nicole comes over after Silas had left.
Nicole: We’d, I mean me, Joel, Brady, Mitchell, John, and Robb, would like you to join our alliance against Silas.
Shawn: We’ll think about it.
She leaves.
Maralyn: What should we do? We have two different options.
Shawn: We don’t have to choose any of them ya know.
Maralyn: Personally, I don’t like Mitchell, so maybe him.

Welcome to Tribal Council, grab your torch and light it. Here is the jury, Ashlee and Kel. Has anyone noticed any couples emerging in this game?
Nicole: Silas and Stephanie hang around with each other, kind of like Rob and Amber. I think Gina and Silas have become good friends. Shawn has also spent time with both Kim and Maralyn.
Gina: Not to mention, Brady and Mia.
Probst: Well, it’s time to vote. Maralyn your up first.
Maralyn walks up to vote
Maralyn: Mitchell, you haven’t been on my good side.
Gina, Silas, Brook, Angie, Stephanie, Mitchell, Joel, Robb, Kim, John, Nicole, and Shawn vote. Brady walks up to vote.
Brady: Silas, it’s your time.
Probst: I’ll tally the votes. Mitchell - Silas - Silas - Silas - Brady - Brady - Brady - Mitchell - Silas - Brady - Brady - Silas - Silas - Brady. We have a tie. Everyone will vote again, except Silas and Brady. Gina your up first.  
Gina walks up to vote.
Gina: I voted for you before and that’s not changing. Good-bye Brady.
Mitchell, Brook, Stephanie, Angie, Joel, Robb, Kim, Maralyn, Shawn, and John vote.

Bye Silas.

I’ll tally the votes. Brady - Brady - Brady - Silas - Silas - Silas - Silas - Silas - Brady - Brady - Brady - Brady. Brady bring me your torch. The tribe has spoken You are now the third member of the jury.
Brady: I trusted my tribe, but now they can’t be trusted. Believe me those four will not win this game.
« Last Edit: Aug 17th, 2005, 7:07pm by Survivor1989 » IP Logged
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Re: Survivor All-Stars 2
« Reply #14 on: Aug 15th, 2005, 8:13am »

Ghandia: I wonder who they voted out?
Tagi arrives at camp. Mia takes Joel aside.
Mia: I thought you said Brady was safe?
Joel: We thought Shawn and Maralyn were with us. I guess they weren’t.
Next day. Stacey takes all the women aside.
Stacey: I think when we merge all the women should stick together.
Gina: Ya, I really don’t like that idea.
Gina, Nicole, Maralyn, and Stephanie leave.
Angie: You tried your best. You guys still know I’m with you. Just don’t tell anyone on Tagi.
Gina goes over to Gabe.
Gabe: What do you want?
Gina: If you make it to the merge I’d like you to ally with me, Brook, Stephanie, Silas, and Angie.
Gabe: I don’t think that’s possible.
Dolly: Treemail. It stresses that this is one of the biggest rewards in survivor history.
Probst: We are playing for reward today. Both tribes will go out and breath through small bamboo straws in the water. The tribe with the last person remaining will win the reward. Wanna know what you’re playing for?
Everyone: YA!!!
Probst: A working refrigerator full of Coke. Plus one more thing I will announce after the challenge. Tagi, who’s sitting out?
Maralyn: I will, since I’m the oldest.

Take your positions. Ready, go under.
Everyone goes under and starts breathing through their straws.
Probst: Willard, you came up, you’re done.
20 minutes pass. Angie, Joel, Kim, Gina, Nicole, Shawn, Mitchell and Robb are done for Tagi. Dolly, Mia, Lisa, Ghandia, Kimmi, Stacey, and Daniel are done for Lopevi. John, Stephanie, Brook, and Silas remain for Tagi. Mike, Gabe, and Dirk remain for Lopevi. Stephanie, John, Dirk, and Gabe give up. 40 minutes pass. Brook’s head surfaces.
Probst: If Silas comes up first Lopevi wins, if Mike surfaces first Tagi wins.
Silas surfaces.
Probst: Lopevi wins reward. Now for part two of the reward. The tribes will now live on separate beaches. Lopevi gets a new beach with a shelter built and a fire going. Your belongings will be there along with you refrigerator. Everyone, be ready
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