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   Battle of Ultimate Sole Survivor
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   Author  Topic: Battle of Ultimate Sole Survivor  (Read 19910 times)
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Battle of Ultimate Sole Survivor
« on: Jan 9th, 2006, 7:52am »

Hey guys, this is a remix retrospective version of Survivor. In each round, 20 tribes (originally) would compete in a challenge and the losing tribe/s would have to vote off one/some of their member/s. Last one standing will be crowned THE ULTIMATE SOLE SURVIVOR.
166 survivors from season 1 to 11(not counting AllStars) are all eligible to compete, the game starts now.

Final 12:

166th-163th Brook, Travis, John, Ghandia
162th-159th Katie, Caryn, Andrew, Lillian
158th-155th Clay, Jan, Daniel, Dave
154th-151th JohnP, Rory, Tammy, Zoe
150th-146th Ramona, JeffV, Lisa, Jim, Brianna
145th-136th Sonja, Sean, Kel, Maralyn, Carl, Linda, Janet, Jeanne, RogerS, RyanA
135th-121th Clarence, Diane, KimJ, TomB, BrianH, Gabriel, JohnC, Robert,Ted,  
                  Patricia, Peter, Sean, Vecepia, Nicole, RyanS    
120th-115th Osten, Sarah, Hunter, Tijuana, Jed, StephanieD
114th-109th Richard, Susan, BB, Joel, RobM, Darrah
108th-103th Butch, Matthew, Jolanda, James, Judd, Blake
102th-97th Deena, Dirk, Wanda, Willard, Jamie, Rafe
96th - 91th Keith, Mitchel, Paschal, TomW, Dolly, Mia
90th - 85th Gervase, Jerri, Joanna, RobC, Gary, Morgan
84th - 79th Colleen, Lex, Ashlee, JeffW, Twila, Scout
78th - 73th Jessie, Lea, Burton, JonD, BrandonB, RyanO
72th - 67th Mike, RodgerB, JennaL, BrandonQ, Ibrehem, KimM
66th - 61th Frank, Lindsey, Kathy, JohnK, Penny, Robb
60th - 55th Debb, Jenn, Amber, Helen, Jake, Stacey
54th - 49th Julie, Tina, Coby, KellyW, Christy, BrianC
48th - 45th Janu, Chad, Silas, Trish
44th - 41th Alex, Shawn, Michelle, Alicia
40th - 37th Jonathan, Margaret, Heidi, Tanya
36th - 33th Neleh, TBird, Chris, Shawna
32th - 29th Brooke, Kimmi, GregB, Gina
28th - 25th Ami Cusack, KellyG, Christa, Gregg
24th - 23th Erin, Brady
22th - 21th Rudy, Bobby Jon
20th - 19th Ethan, KimP
18th - 17th Ken, Colby
16th - 15th Sandra, Nick
14th - 13th JennaM, Gretchen
12th Stephenie Lagrossa
11th Eliza Orlins
10th Elisabeth Filarski
9th Cindy Hall
8th Shii Ann Huang
7th Amy O'Hara
6th Rupert Boneham  
5th Ian Rosenberg 
4th Lydia Morales  
3th Angie Jakusz

Runner-up Leann Slaby
WINNER Danni Boatwright

« Last Edit: May 30th, 2006, 5:45am by Xochitl » IP Logged
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Re: Battle of Ultimate Sole Survivor
« Reply #1 on: Jan 9th, 2006, 7:53am »


1st TC:
Lopevi - Brook and Travis voted out.
Chuay Gahn - John and Ghandia voted out.
2nd TC:
Koror - Katie and Caryn voted out.
Morgan - Andrew and Lillian voted out.
3rd TC:
Chuay Gahn - Clay and Jan voted out.
Tambaqui - Daniel and Dave voted out.
4th TC:
Chuay Gahn - JohnP and Rory voted out.
Rotu - Tammy and Zoe voted out.
5th TC:
Pagong - Ramona voted out.
Kucha - Jeff V voted out.
Yasur - Lisa voted out.
Nakum - Jim voted out.
Yaxha - Brianna voted out.
6th TC:
Tagi - Sonja and SeanK voted out.
Ogakor - Kel and Maralyn voted out.
Samburu - Carl and Linda voted out.
Jaburu - Janet and Jeanne voted out.
Tambaqui - Roger and Ryan voted out.
De facto TC:
Boran - Clarence, Diane, KimJ and TomB sent home.
Rotu - BrianH, Gabriel, JohnC, Robert and Ted sent home.
Maraamu - Patricia, Peter, SeanR and Vecepia sent home.
Morgan - Nicole and RyanS sent home.
7th TC:
Boran - Osten and Sarah voted out.
Rotu - Hunter and Tijuana voted out.
SookJai - Jed and Stephanie voted out.
8th TC:
Tagi - Richard and Susan voted out.
Pagong - BB and Joel voted out.
Koror - Darrah and RobM voted out.
9th TC:
Tambaqui - Butch and Matthew voted out.
Ulong - James and Jolanda voted out.
Nakum - Judd and Blake voted out.
10th TC:
Jaburu - Deena and Dirk voted out.
Koror - Wanda and Willard voted out.
Yaxha - Jamie and Rafe voted out.
11th TC:
Ogakor - Keith and Mitchel voted out.
Boran - TomW and Paschal voted out.
Yasur - Dolly and Mia voted out.
12th TC:
Pagong - Gervase and Jerri voted out.
Samburu - Joanna and RobC voted out.
Yaxha - Gary and Morgan voted out.
13th TC:
Pagong - Colleen and Lex voted out.
Yasur - Twila and Scout voted out.
Ulong - JeffW and Ashlee voted out.
14th TC:
Boran - Jessie and Sarge voted out.
Drake - Burton and JonD voted out.
Nakum - BrandonB and RyanO voted out.
15th TC:
Kucha - RodgerB and Mike voted off.
Ogakor - JennaL and BrandonQ voted off.
Ulong - Ibrehem and KimM voted off.  
16th TC:
Samburu - Frank and Lindsey voted off.
Rotu - Kathy and JohnK voted off.
Sook Jai - Penny and Robb voted off.
17th TC:
Kucha - Jenn and Debb voted off.
Ogakor - Amber and Helen voted off.
Sook Jai - Jake and Stacey voted off.
18th TC:
Ogakor - Julie and Tina voted off.
Rotu - Coby and KellyW voted off.
Yaxha - BrianC and Christy voted off.
19th TC:
Barramundi - Janu voted off.
Jacare - Chad voted off.
Moto Maji - Silas voted off.
Rattana - Trish voted off.
20th TC:
Alinta - Alex voted off.
Barramundi - Shawn voted off.
Jacare - Michelle voted off.
Rattana - Alicia voted off.
21th TC:
Alinta - Jonathan voted off.
Jacare - Margaret voted off.
Moto Maji - Heidi voted off.
Rattana - Tanya voted off.
22th TC:
Balboa - Neleh voted off.
Barramundi - Teresa voted off.
Soliantu - Chris voted off.
Xhakum - Shawna voted off.
23th TC:
Alinta - Brooke voted off.
Barramundi - Kimmi voted off.
Moto Maji - Greg Buis voted off.
Soliantu - Gina voted off.
24th TC:
Alinta - Ami voted off.
Balboa - KellyG voted off.
Moto Maji - Christa voted off.
Xhakum - Gregg voted off.
25th TC:
Saboga - Erin voted off.
MogoMogo - Brady voted off.
26th TC:
Saboga - Rudy voted off.
Chapera - BobbyJon voted off.
27th TC:
Saboga - Ethan voted off.
Chapera - KimP voted off.
28th TC:
MogoMogo - Ken voted off.
Chapera - Colby voted off.
29th TC:
Saboga - Sandra voted off.
MogoMogo - Nick voted off.
30th TC:
Saboga - Gretchen voted off.
MogoMogo - JennaM voted off.
31th TC: Stephenie LaGrossa voted off.
32th TC: Eliza Orlins voted off.
33th TC: Elisabeth Filarski voted off.
34th TC: Cindy Hall voted off.
35th TC: Shii Ann Huang voted off.  
36th TC: Amy O'Hara voted off.   
37th TC: Rupert Boneham voted off.
38th TC: Ian Rosenberg voted off.
39th TC: Lydia Morales voted off.  
40th TC: Angie Jakusz voted off.
« Last Edit: May 20th, 2006, 8:29pm by Xochitl » IP Logged
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Re: Battle of Ultimate Sole Survivor
« Reply #2 on: Jan 9th, 2006, 7:54am »

This game sounds interesting!  Roll Eyes How do we play?
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Re: Battle of Ultimate Sole Survivor
« Reply #3 on: Jan 9th, 2006, 7:57am »

1ST challenge "Supply Dump"  (S10) pg 1
2ND challenge "Pull Your Weight"  (S7) pg 1
3RD challenge "Lock Step"  (S2) pg 3
4TH challenge "Do or Dive"  (S4) pg 4
5TH challenge "Distress Signal"  (S3) pg4
6TH challenge "Tribal Tiles"  (S9) pg 8
7TH challenge "Floating Puzzle"  (S5) pg 9
8TH challenge "Gone Fishin"  (S6) pg 10
9TH challenge "Build it up, Break it down"  (S10) pg 12
10TH challenge "Paddle Battle"  (S11) pg 14
11TH challenge "Rescue Mission"  (S1) pg 15
12TH challenge "Dive Masters"  (S9) pg 16
13TH challenge "Light My Fire"  (S6) pg 17
14TH challenge "Flying Your Flag"  (S5) pg 18
15TH challenge "Rows and Throws"  (S11) pg 19
16TH challenge "Movin' on Up"  (S3) pg 20
17TH challenge "Shoting Gallery"  (S10) pg 21
18TH challenge "Float-It Notes"  (S7) pg 22
19TH challenge "Master Mind"  (S2) pg 24
20TH challenge "Jungle Relay"  (S4) pg 25
21TH challenge "Up the Creek"  (S6) pg 26
22TH challenge "Jo-Coconut"  (S9) pg27
23TH challenge "Breathing Space"  (S5) pg 28
24TH challenge "Safari Supper"  (S3) pg 30
25TH challenge "Tiki Towers"  (S4) pg 31
26TH challenge "Shipwrecked"  (S1) pg 32
27TH challenge "Rock 'n' Roll"  (S3) pg 33
28TH challenge "Abandoned Barracks"  (S1) pg 35
29TH challenge "Slave To The Grind"  (S11) pg 37
30TH challenge "When It Rains It Really Pours"  (S3) pg 38
31TH challenge "Face Off"  (S6) pg 40
32TH challenge "High Stepping"  (S4)  pg42
33TH challenge "Maya Folklore"  (S11)  pg43
34THa challenge "By Any Means"  (S10)  pg45
34THb challenge "Squared Off"  (S1)  pg46
35THa challenge "Slip Through Your Fingers"  (S5)  pg48
35THb challenge "Memory"  (S2)  pg48
36THa challenge "Hot Pursuit"  (S10) pg49
36THb challenge "Let's Give it Another Go, Mate"  (S7) pg50
37THa challenge "Love Is Blind"  (S9) pg52
37THb challenge "Flying A Kite"  (S4) pg52
38THa challenge "Pilfering Pirates"  (S5) pg55
38THb challenge "Tribal Draft"  (S7) pg55
39THa challenge "Braille Maze"  (S6) pg57


Page 3    The Lopevi tribe was dissolved.
Page 4    The Chuay Gahn tribe was dissolved.
Page 8    Survivor schoolyard pick'em, The Maraamu and Morgan tribe was disbanded.
Page 13   The Tagi, Jaburu, Tambaqui and Koror tribe was dissolved.
Page 18   The Pagong, Boran and Yasur tribe was dissolved.
Page 22   Major Shake-Up. The Kucha, Ogakor, Samburu, Rotu, Sook Jai, Drake, Ulong, Yaxha and Nakum tribe no longer existed.
Page 26 The Jacare and Rattana tribe was dissolved.
Page 30 The Alinta, Balboa, Barramundi, MotoMaji, Soliantu and Xhakum tribe was dissolved.


« Last Edit: May 28th, 2006, 6:37am by Xochitl » IP Logged
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Re: Battle of Ultimate Sole Survivor
« Reply #4 on: Jan 9th, 2006, 8:10am »

1ST CHALLENGE "Supply Dump"
This challenge would be an obstacle course involving a jungle race, a cargo net crawl and a tire run. The tribe members would then arrive at a supply dump, where they would gather valuable supplies. The tribes would choose which items they want to race with. The next obstacle was a ten foot wall that the Survivors would need to get themselves and their supplies over. They would then wade through a waist-deep swamp before dropping the supplies on beach mats. The final leg would be an outrigger race on the water to retrieve their tribe flag. The first 18 tribes to cross the finish line with their tribe flag would win Immunity, as well as whatever supplies they had gathered.  

"Yasur, Lopevi, Ulong and Koror, as you have more than 8 members you have to sit out 1 or 2 members."
Now, you guys rank the tribes according to how they would finished in this challenge. 1 being the first to step the mat. The last TWO tribes, see you in tribal council.  
My vote:
1. Yasur
2. Nakum
3. Kucha
4. Pagong
5. Tagi
6. Ogakor
7. Koror
8. Ulong
9. Boran
10. Sook Jai
11. Samburu
12. Rotu
13. Yaxha
14. Maraamu
15. Jaburu
16. Tambaqui
17. Drake
18. Morgan
19. Chuay Gahn
20. Lopevi
« Last Edit: Jan 9th, 2006, 8:18am by Xochitl » IP Logged
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Re: Battle of Ultimate Sole Survivor
« Reply #5 on: Jan 9th, 2006, 9:00am »

1. Nakum
2. Ulong
3. Yaxha
4. Yasur  
5. Kucha  
6. Pagong  
7. Tagi  
8. Ogakor  
9. Boran  
10. Sook Jai  
11. Samburu  
12. Rotu  
13. Maraamu  
14. Jaburu  
15. Tambaqui  
16. Drake  
17. Morgan  
18. Chuay Gahn  
19. Lopevi
20. Koror
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Re: Battle of Ultimate Sole Survivor
« Reply #6 on: Jan 9th, 2006, 5:15pm »

1. Drake
2. Maraamu
3. Pagong
4. Nakum
5. Yaxha
6. Yasur
7. Koror
8. Ulong
9. Jaburu
10. Tambaqui
11. Morgan
12. Kucha
13. Ogakor
14. Chuay Gahn
15. Sook Jai
16. Tagi
17. Samburu
18. Boran
19. Lopevi
20. Rotu
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Re: Battle of Ultimate Sole Survivor
« Reply #7 on: Jan 9th, 2006, 8:44pm »

Update Time!!
"Lopevi and Chuay Gahn, you are the last and second last team to arrive, see you at tribal council tonight."
Now, for each of these two tribes, vote for 3 persons you would most like to give immunity to. Last 2 person from each tribe that has no/lowest immunity vote will be eliminated from the game.
Brady-Brook-Chad-Chris-John K-John P-Lea-Rory-Travis  
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Re: Battle of Ultimate Sole Survivor
« Reply #8 on: Jan 9th, 2006, 8:48pm »

My vote:
Chuay Gahn - Tanya, Brian,Jan
Lopevi - Brady, John K, Lea(Sarge)
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Re: Battle of Ultimate Sole Survivor
« Reply #9 on: Jan 9th, 2006, 10:16pm »

Chuay Gahn - Tanya, Brian,Jan  
Lopevi - Brady, John K, Lea(Sarge)
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Re: Battle of Ultimate Sole Survivor
« Reply #10 on: Jan 10th, 2006, 8:55am »

My vote:  
Chuay Gahn - Ted, Helen, Clay
Lopevi - Chad, Chris, Rory
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Re: Battle of Ultimate Sole Survivor
« Reply #11 on: Jan 10th, 2006, 8:41pm »

Chuay Gahn - Helen, Ted, Tanya
Lopevi - Lea, Chad, Brady
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Re: Battle of Ultimate Sole Survivor
« Reply #12 on: Jan 11th, 2006, 5:48am »

My vote:  
Chuay Gahn - Tanya, Brian, Ted  
Lopevi - Chad, John P, Rory
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Re: Battle of Ultimate Sole Survivor
« Reply #13 on: Jan 11th, 2006, 7:10am »

1st Tribal Council
Revealing immunity votes each contestants get:
Brady - 3
Lea - 3  
Chad - 3
John K - 2
Rory - 2
Chris - 1
John P - 1
Travis - 0
Brook - 0

All votes were read, AND
Both of you were out of the game.
Chuay Gahn
Tanya - 4
Brian - 3
Ted - 3
Jan - 2
Helen - 2
Clay - 1
John - 0
Ghandia - 0

Which means, AND  
you both were eliminated from the game.
« Last Edit: Jan 11th, 2006, 7:14am by Xochitl » IP Logged
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Re: Battle of Ultimate Sole Survivor
« Reply #14 on: Jan 11th, 2006, 7:53am »

2ND CHALLENGE "Pull Your Weight"
Each team had one tribe member dangling in the air over the water from a rope held by the rest of their tribe. The teams had to hold their member up for as long as possible. Every 5 minutes, one person from the group had to let go until finally one member from each tribe is left holding their rope as long as possible. The first two tribes to let go of the rope resulting their tribe member fall into water will have to go to tribal council.

Now, this is how it works. You have 10 votes in your hand, vote for teams that you think would performed the worst in this challenge. To avoid ties, you must at least have 3 teams in your vote.
Available tribes:
Sook jai
Chuay gahn
Note. You can only vote ONE TIME in this round.
If you have any questions/confusion about this game, please ask.
« Last Edit: Jan 11th, 2006, 8:12am by Xochitl » IP Logged
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