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Season 2 Easter Eggs
« on: Sep 22nd, 2006, 9:33am » |
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So far this is what I've found (and I checked the Fuse and got the directions for the "connections" bit.. not checked it out yet. And the last one with the .jpg... which is pretty funny... ------------------------ Disc 4 Set Up menu - go to 'register your dvd', hit enter, it brings you to a new menu. Move the button to the left until you see a black semi circle appear. Hit enter on that. Please note: you can only seem to access this easter egg (the video part of it) when playing the DVD on a computer. Phase 1 - move the button left while "Fire + Water" is highlted... Phase 1 (Lost on Location menu) - move the button right three times while Eveybody Hates Hugo is highlited... Phase 1 (Lost on Location menu) - move the button right twice, then up while S.O.S is highlited... Phase 2 - move button right twice while 'sneak peaks' is highlited until button is to the right of 'return'... Phase 2 (Deleted Scenes menu) - move the button left while "seeing walt" is highlited, button will then move to the right ... Phase 3 - move button left while 'secrets of the hatch' is highleted On the Bonus disk, In "The Connections" The connections are very complex and will take you a while. There is a neat little "game": I'm spoiler fonting just in case. On the Bonus disk, in the "Lost Connections" section: Start with Jack, click the connection on the right side on the top. That takes you to Desmond. Click the left side top connection and it will take you to a green screen that is the "hatch computer". Yes, it's beeping. Use your DVD remote to enter the numbers (4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42) and hit enter. This takes you to a new connection which is the "numbers" connections. The left side top connection contains an Easter Egg about the Valenzetti Equation written by Gary Troup. Also, another interesting connection for Jack, Christian and Claire... Phase 1 (Lost on Location menu) - move the button right three times while Eveybody Hates Hugo is highlited ... On the 4th DVD this is at the end of the menu... (