Some dealers run the floor is obviously three non flooring products, but blown like the country's best products. Some floor dealers are not service principles, commitments outrageous, anyway, I sold out for the brand, you have no way to get me. The result is a regular flooring manufacturers no profit,temporary decking tiles but to walk into "price war." The result is the dealer floor to grab the market, price, no profit, no service, then there is no market, a vicious cycle, bigger and worse, and finally closed down. 3, harm the interests of customers to the floor. "Price war" the biggest beneficiaries tend to be direct customers, purchasers and users of the floor, which is recognized by everyone.polonia decking composite But I do not think so, but precisely the opposite. First, the vicious "price war" has given way to the factory floor scarred. They do not have good technical support, do not have good quality, there is no good flooring products. Then the customer will use any good flooring products, best composite decking that looks like real wood there is no stable flooring products in use, it is necessary to buy imports. Second, the vicious "price war" dealers also scarred floor, they fight the price, no good service, and have no energy to serve you. Lose dealer service customers also undoubtedly affect the work, they had to buy imported floor. Third, there is no good quality flooring products, there is no good service, the product will cause harm to the floor, it will affect the life of the floor, we have to have to choose whether he imports more expensive flooring products. composite blue decking to buy This is the immediate result of the price war has brought us, or select the next product or service times, or worse dangerous choose flooring products as a result, consumers can do it is to spend heavily import floor. 4, the overall flooring industry hazards.